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Borgcast Galactica

Welcome to Borgcast Galactica- where Anne-Marie and Peter journey through Glen A Larson's Battlestar Galactica, Galactica 1980 and Ronald D Moore's BSG.

Expect beer, music and Peter drooling over spaceships.

Podcast artwork provided by the awesome Lee Medcalf and Andy Poulastides, and the music at the beginning of the cast is played by the equally awesome Drew Barker.

Feel free to check out our long-running Star Trek TNG, DS9 & Disco podcast, the Borgcast.

Jul 29, 2019

Will Anne-Marie and Peter make it to the end of Galactica 1980 with their sanity intact?

Find out as they cover Star Croppers and The Return Of Starbuck.

Next podcast is the start of a new season and a new, re-imagined series, as they watch Night One of the mini-series that begins Ron Moore's take on Battlestar...

Jul 13, 2019

Anne-Marie and Peter survive three more episodes of Galactica 1980 (just)- Space Ball and The Night The Cylons Landed pts 1 & 2.

PLus, there's another update on the existential status of Richard Stilgoe #DownWithDaKids