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Borgcast Galactica

Welcome to Borgcast Galactica- where Anne-Marie and Peter journey through Glen A Larson's Battlestar Galactica, Galactica 1980 and Ronald D Moore's BSG.

Expect beer, music and Peter drooling over spaceships.

Podcast artwork provided by the awesome Lee Medcalf and Andy Poulastides, and the music at the beginning of the cast is played by the equally awesome Drew Barker.

Feel free to check out our long-running Star Trek TNG, DS9 & Disco podcast, the Borgcast.

Dec 18, 2021

Anne-Marie and Peter give their thoughts on Buck Rogers S1's A Dream Of Jennifer.

Our Christmas commentary special will be up on our other Trek-related feed on the 24th.

Next time on this feed, recording 13th January, the look at the more promising-sounding Space Rockers.

Feel free to send your thoughts in (just keep...

Dec 4, 2021

Will Olympiad take the gold, or be disqualified for reckless exposure of nipples? Anne-Marie and Peter find out.

Next time, recording 16th December, they judge the performance of A Dream Of Jennifer.

Feel free to send your thoughts in (just keep the feedback to less than 5 minutes please).


Nov 20, 2021

Anne-Marie and Peter assess just how accurate Twiki Is Missing is as a title and give the rest of their thoughts on the episode.

Next time, recording Thursday 2nd December, they look at Olympiad.

Feel free to send your thoughts in (just keep the feedback to less than 5 minutes please).

Oct 23, 2021

Anne-Marie and Peter cover Ardala Returns, and naturally smut ensues.

We're not quite sure when the next episode will drop due our house move, but stay tuned to our social media- @rev_org or @borgcastamo on twitter, or our Facebook group and we'll let you know there.

Oct 9, 2021

Anne-Marie and Peter enjoy the 'delights' of the Buck Rogers clip-show, A Blast For Buck.

Next time, recording Thursday 21st October, the hope for an upturn in quality when Ardala Returns.

Feel free to send your thoughts in (just keep the feedback to less than 5 minutes please).